
Through our WordPress.com VIP program, we provide support, hosting, training, and other services to some of the biggest and best WordPress sites on the web.

Your style is to get things done with minimum friction, and to respond rapidly when called on, as well as being super proactive. You view companies as partners, and not just customers, and pride yourself in establishing long-term relationships. You enjoy doing demos and meeting with everyone, from engineers to GMs and VPs of Sales.

In addition, you are:

  • An amazing communicator; you should be great at holding people’s attention whether presenting, chatting on the phone, or writing a quick blog post.
  • Comfortable working in a sales role, negotiating terms, and reviewing contracts.
  • Quick to resolve unexpected challenges, and collaborate with developers.
  • An expert at distilling goals and wish-lists into concrete next steps.

The position entails managing a customer from pre-sales conversations and contract negotiations, through signup, launch, and beyond.  You’ll be the point person for educating them on new features and opportunities, as well as being an escalation point for anything urgent.

This role requires you to have a deep understanding of the technology and platforms that we run, and being able to communicate with engineers effectively.  Moderate travel is required as well.


Does this sound interesting? If yes, let us know what you can contribute to the team. Include the title of the position you’re applying for and your name in the subject. Proofread! Make sure you spell and capitalize WordPress and Automattic correctly. We are lucky to receive hundreds of applications for every position, so try to make your application stand out. If you apply for multiple positions or send multiple emails there will be one reply.

If you’re reading this on a site other than automattic.com please make sure you visit automattic.com/work-with-us for the latest details on applying.